Probate Solicitors – a guide

No one wants to think about if the worst should happen.  But when it does, and you lose a loved one, often you need the service of probate solicitors.  Here’s our short guide to all you need to know in that situation.

What is Probate?

In the UK, probate is the legal process that is required to deal with a deceased person’s estate. This process involves proving and registering the last will and testament of the deceased. If the person died without a will, the process is referred to as “administration” rather than probate, but it still involves similar legal steps.

Probate is a crucial step in ensuring that a deceased person’s estate is handled in an orderly and lawful manner, providing clarity and closure for the family and beneficiaries. This is why it needs to be handled by specialist probate solicitors.

Finding your Probate Solicitors.

When choosing a probate solicitor, there are several key factors to consider.  It’s important to ensure you get the best possible assistance in managing the deceased’s estate.  It also helps if your solicitor is friendly and approachable to help you feel supported throughout the process. Here are some important aspects to look for:


Look for a solicitor who has a specialism and experience in this area.  Any solicitor with a proven track record will be happy to share their experience and background with you.  Additionally check out what others say about them through their reviews and comments online. Speak to them to assess their suitability – they should be happy to explain the probate process clearly and answer any questions you have.


Ensure they are a professional, established organisation. Important too to ensure they are accredited by professional bodies such as the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) or registered with The Law Society in the UK.


Choose a solicitor who is easily accessible and responsive. Good communication is crucial, especially in handling sensitive matters like probate.  You don’t always have to live close to the solicitor in question as some will be able to work remotely on your case, but sometimes a little local knowledge can help.  As can the convenience of a locally situated branch.

Open and transparent

Probate can be an emotional process, so it’s important to choose a solicitor who shows understanding and sensitivity to your situation. You should feel comfortable discussing personal and financial details with the solicitor. A good rapport can make the process smoother. Choose a solicitor who is easily accessible and responsive. Good communication is crucial, especially in handling sensitive matters like probate.

How Probate Solicitors work for you

Probate ensures that the deceased person’s assets (money, property, and possessions) are distributed according to their will. Or according to the rules of intestacy if there is no will. In these cases of no will, close relatives can apply for a “Grant of Letters of Administration”. But when a will is present, the executors named in the will need to apply for a “Grant of Probate” from the Probate Registry. This grant is a legal document that gives them the authority to administer the estate.

Probate is a crucial step in ensuring that a deceased person’s estate is handled in an orderly and lawful manner, providing clarity and closure for the family and beneficiaries.  So always ensure you have the right probate solicitors on side to make the process as straightforward as possible.  Based in the heart of Bamber Bridge, Marley Solicitors have been acting as probate solicitors for people of our region for decades.  We are happy to have an informal chat if you’d like to discuss how we can help you at any time.