HAVS compensation claims made simple

We’ve often spoken about Vibration White Finger (VWF) – often known as Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS).  It’s a condition that affects thousands of people.  Mainly those who have worked on the tools, particularly vibrating tools, for prolonged periods of time.  Many sufferers don’t realise that there is help out there if you’ve been affected.

Patient.info is a great resource for anyone needing guidance.  But here’s more to help if your life has been affected by this.


HAVS or Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome is a condition which causes symptoms arms, hands or fingers.  It’s most often experienced by those who’ve used vibrating tools at work. It’s caused by frequent use of hand-held vibrating tools.  Or, by holding or working with machinery that vibrates. It used to be called VWF or Vibration White Finger. The condition is closely related to the debilitating Raynauds.

What’s not totally clear is how vibration actually causes the condition. Many think it could be due to very slight but frequently repeated injury to the  nerves and blood vessels. Over time these compound as you gradually lose some of the function and start to experience symptoms. Worryingly, it’s estimated that 1-in-10 who regularly work with vibrating tools may go on to develop HAVS.


Often, a description of your symptoms and the fact that you have worked for a long time with vibrating tools may be enough to diagnose the condition. Tests are typically needed though to confirm your diagnosis. Especially when you plan to pursue a compensation claim. These tests may include things like checking your grip strength or your ability to perform hand movements, or response to the cold.

The HSE Health and Safety Executive has a calculator that can help to gauge how much exposure you might have had to equipment that can cause hand-arm vibration syndrome.


Once diagnosed then there’s a good chance you could be entitled to compensation. If your employer has been negligent in their duty and did not take necessary measures to reduce the risk of you developing the condition whilst at work. We are specialists in this area.  We’ve helped many people who have suffered with HAVS to make successful claims against those responsible. We can often work on a no-win-no-fee basis too.  So you’ve nothing to lose. Get in touch today to see if we can help.