A Pretty Muddy weekend for team Marleys

Here at Marley Solicitors we make no secret of the fact that we support the wonderful Cancer Research UK.  We already partner with them offering a free simple will service to people in our area. This, in turn, helps Cancer Research UK improve and find new opportunities to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, improving survival rates even further. So when Race for Life Pretty Muddy came to town, we just had to do our bit.

Pretty Muddy Preston

Around 2,500 participants took part in the event’s combined 5k and Pretty Muddy events for the charity at Preston’s Moor Park on a beautiful but unseasonably chilly weekend in June.

More than £127K was raised altogether for the charity from the event, with more expected to be added to the total as sponsorship is collected.  Our own fundraising has so far come to around £237.50, and counting.  When paired with the around £300k we’ve also made for the cause through the wonderful people of our area getting free CRUK wills written by us, we’re proud as punch with that amount.

About Race for Life Pretty Muddy

Race For Life organises fundraising events every year.  And with 3k, 5k, 10k, Pretty Muddy and Pretty Muddy Kids events, they offer something for everyone. CRUK NW spokesperson, Jemma Humphreys told reporters,

“We are incredibly grateful to everyone who took part in Race for Life Preston.

No matter how cancer affects us, life is worth racing for. Sadly nearly 1 in 2 of us will get cancer in our lifetime. Race for Life has the power not only to transform lives, but to save them. We’re proud that Race for Life has already helped double survival rates in the UK. Life-saving research already helps people living with cancer every single day.

It’s thanks to our supporters who fundraise that we can go further to discover new ways to beat the disease and create a future where everybody can live longer, better lives, free from the fear of cancer.

It was a fantastic day at Race for Life Preston, full of emotion, courage, tears, laughter and hope as people celebrated the lives of those dear to them who have survived cancer and remembered loved ones lost to the disease. Funds raised, whether it’s £10 or £100, will help scientists find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, helping save more lives.”