Clearing up the compensation claim myths

There can be a bizarre stigma around compensation claims sometimes. Why is this?  A compensation claim is only necessary when you have been wronged for some reason. If you’ve been hurt or injured through not fault of your own.  Far from being something to find awkward or embarrassing, it’s a mechanism that’s there to empower you into being reimbursed for any difficulties you’ve experienced.

How a compensation claim can help

When you’ve suffered any kind of injury you might have no end of financial concerns related to it.  Missed time from work, expensive treatments or therapies don’t come cheap.  All this can cause added stress or trauma at an already difficult time.  How can you focus on the important business of getting back on your feet if your finances are being hit through no fault of your own.

Emotionally too, sometimes it’s hard to find closure on the matter too.  How do you draw a line under something so significant that’s happened to you?

The compensation claim process is there to help you find peace of mind when you need it most.

Types of compensation claim

It’s not just road traffic accidents where you are able to make claims for compensation.  Increasingly commonly we are seeing many other issues arise.  One difficult matter for many is accidents at work.  These situations need specialist handling as your employer is involved.  But a specialist in accident at work claims like Marley Solicitors can help in these circumstances.

Another conscience-biting situation is medical negligence.  We are always grateful to healthcare givers for the work they do.  But if you have been negligently cared for in a medical setting, then you do have rights.  That could be in NHS or private healthcare situations, dental, cosmetic or social care settings.  Again, having someone on your side with a specialism in these areas is invaluable.

One area which people often don’t realise you can make a compensation claim for is housing disrepair.  If you live in a rented home and your landlord doesn’t make required repairs after you ask, then you may be entitled to compensation.  This is because if you are being forced to live in a home and

Accidents for which you could be compensated

Slips, trips and falls are a really common type of accident.  If this has happened to you in a public place through no fault of your own, then you could be entitled to claim compensation.  Similarly if the accident isn’t even in this country.  If you have been injured overseas or on holiday, then get in touch.  You could be owed compensation by whoever is responsible.  Often, the offending business or people are covered by their insurance for just such eventualities like this.  If your conscience pricks at the thought of claiming compensation for something that’s happened to you, then do remember this.  Insurances are there for this very reason.  Public liability insurance is a requirement for most organisations, and is how you would be compensated for injuries you have incurred.

When things get really bad.

Catastrophic or serious injury claims are a very specialised area. You’ve already been through quite enough in terms of the physical impact of your injury.  You need to ensure that the psychological and financial aspects of your compensation claim are well managed so you can focus on the important business of recovery.  Marley Solicitors can help you with this.

Remember too, in most cases, we are also able to work for you on a no-win-no-fee basis.  Please get in touch as soon as you can for a free and informal chat if you think there’s something we can help with.  A problem shared really is a problem halved.