Accident at work compensation made easy

Accident at work compensation can seem a minefield.  You’ve had an accident, but this is your employer so you’re worried. You’ve been injured because the organisation you work for doesn’t have the right safety processes in place, but don’t want to lose your income.  Please don’t worry, we are personal injury specialists so can help you with this.

What is accident at work compensation

If your employer has failed in their responsibility to keep staff well and safe. Or, their negligence has led to you being injured at work, then you may have grounds for a compensation claim. You can claim accident at work compensation by filing an accident at work claim. If your claim for a workplace injury is successful the compensation would typically be paid by the employer’s liability insurance company.  This is one of the reasons most employers have liability insurance, to protect them in cases like this.

What to do if you’ve had an accident at work

Report it – how and when you report it can be different depending on a number of factors, including:

  • where you were working when your accident happened
  • if you are able, or unable to report the accident yourself, or if someone needs to do it for you
  • is there an accident book?  (required for businesses with more than 10 employees)

Having records of your accident will be useful if you need to make a claim for compensation. Equally if you need to claim benefits, including Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) if you need to have time off work because of it.

It’s also a good idea to:

  • See a doctor or seek medical advice for your injury
  • take photos of your injury and whatever situation caused the accident
  • make notes about your accident as soon as possible. Include drawings if they’ll help show what happened
  • ask any witnesses to make notes and share them with you, take their contact details if they’re not already known to you

Accident at work compensation claims

You might wish to claim compensation for your injury if you think it’s your employer’s or client’s fault.  The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) offer some great advice and support because this can be complicated and take a long time, but with the right legal support, much of the work will be done for you.

If you are a member of a trade union, contact your representative. They’ll help you decide what to do, and might be able to come to meetings with your employer to support you.

Time limits and costs

It’s best to get legal advice as soon as possible if you want to make a claim, because there are time limits for claims. The most common claim in a personal injury case is negligence, the time limit for which is 3 years. This means that court proceedings must be issued within 3 years of you first being aware that you have suffered an injury. In some cases, a court may decide to extend a time limit, depending on the circumstances of the case.

The CAB also add that If you want to take legal action to claim compensation for a personal injury, you will need to get advice from a solicitor specialising in these types of cases, like Marley Solicitors with decades of experience in the field.

Accident at work claims can prove expensive, but many firms like us are able to work for you on a no-win-no-fee basis meaning you can be assured of our hardest work to win your claim, as well as not having to worry about any costs.

Get in touch for a no-risk, no pressure chat to learn more about the process and if it’s right for you.