Helping with claims for catastrophic injuries

catastrophic injuries can be lifechanging

At Marley Solicitors, we understand the physical, psychological and emotional trauma of catastrophic injuries. With a strong background in the field, we work tirelessly to attain the best care and support to help our clients regain their independence and look forward to a brighter future.

We can help you and your family recover compensation to help with ongoing costs like rehabilitation, care or treatment.  Of course we would look to recover any loss of earnings too. We work with you to help ease the financial burden caused by your  injury to enable you and your family to focus on your recovery.

What are catastrophic injuries?

The causes of these type of injury are wide and varied. Frequently, car accidents can cause severe and catastrophic injuries. Incidents on the water, trampoline accidents and incidents in the workplace can also cause catastrophic injuries.

Catastrophic injuries are generally defined as any serious injury that results in permanent disability, long-term medical problems or reduced life-expectancy. Catastrophic injuries can cause extreme pain and suffering and can have devastating consequences for you and your family.

An injury is typically classified as “catastrophic” when it happens suddenly or without warning.  Also when it leaves the victim with life-changing and long-term issues. One minute your life is fine, and the next, it’s upside down.  We understand that everything has changed, and often you don’t know what your next move is.  So that’s what we’re here to help with.  You can read more here about what catastrophic injuries are defined as in terms of the law to help you decide if a claim against those responsible is right for you.

Types of accident that can cause catastrophic injuries

There are all kinds of ways in which these injuries can occur.  Here are just a few potential causes for a variety of different catastrophic injuries.

The lifetime impact of catastrophic injuries

We understand the impact of catastrophic injuries on you and your family.  Survivors are often left with long term, lifelong repercussions. Whether you’ve lost a limb or suffered from some type of paralysis, your life is going to be different. Often, people are unable to return to work. Most likely, you’re facing a lengthy rehabilitation program. Chronic pain, disfigurement and profound emotional issues are common too.

Catastrophic injuries aren’t easy to overcome. Sufferers don’t just get progressively better without help. When somebody else’s negligence, carelessness or wilful misconduct contributes to another person’s catastrophic injury, it’s time to speak with someone who can help you.

We can work with you to determine exactly how much compensation you need to cover the lifelong expenses and damages resulting from your injury. With two decades of experience, we’re here to help you put your life back together.

Next steps

If you think this applies to you or someone you love then we are here to help.  Here is more detail on how the claim process works, but we implore you to get in touch.  We will deal with your case sensitively and with your best interests always at the fore.  Often our claims can be managed on a no-win-no-fee basis, so please get in touch to see how we can help.