Now offering a CRUK free will service

As proud members of Cancer Research UK we are now pleased to be able to offer the people of Bamber Bridge, South Ribble, Preston and the wider Lancashire Area the CRUK free Will service.

What is the Free Will Service?

The CRUK free Will service allows anyone 18+ to easily write or update a simple Will for free.

Most people who use the service pledge a gift to Cancer Research UK. Their support is helping to beat cancer for future generations with gifts in Wills funding a third of their life-saving research. When you pledge to leave a gift in your Will, you make a lasting legacy that will beat cancer for years to come.  Taking part in the CRUK free Will service means you will be asked if you want to contribute to that legacy.  But you absolutely don’t have to.

Whilst it’s also possible to use services like this online and over the phone, it’s recommended you use a solicitor.  There’s no cost for this, it’s still free but because the service is regulated it offers you greater protections.  Read more about reasons to use a solicitor for your CRUK free Will service here.

What information is needed for a Will?

  1. Your personal information – We will need your full name, date of birth, current address, relationship status and names and dates of birth of any children you have.
  2. Your Estate – This refers to all the money, property and possessions you own. It’s also important to include any debts you have, so the net value of your Estate can be calculated.
  3. Your Beneficiaries – The people who you want to receive your Estate when you die.
  4. Your Executors – The people who you want to carry out your Will when you die.
  5. Legal guardians for children – If you have children under 18, you’ll need to name someone who’ll be legally responsible for them.
  6. Your Trustees – The people who you want to manage any Trusts you leave behind. A ‘Trust’ is where someone holds an asset for the benefit of someone else.
  7. Other wishes – You can specify in your Will if you have any specific funeral arrangements. You can also leave a ‘Letter of Wishes’. This explains the motivation behind the decisions in your Will and can be useful for your Executor(s)

And that’s it.  Peace of mind for you and your loved ones is so simple to achieve.  Get in touch to talk to us about our CRUK free simple will service today.