Martin Lewis says you must use a solicitor when using a free will writing service

Using a solicitor for your free will writing service

Who saw consumer champion and  Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis on tv last night?  He was talking about how important it is for EVERYONE to have a will and the importance of always using a solicitor when you want to make use of a free will writing service
We totally agree… Click here to see what he said about it.
And here’s an important excerpt from Martin on just why you need to get the free will writing service done by a solicitor, with a side note from us… As members of Cancer Research UK we are solicitors who can provide you with a FREE simple will writing service.
Marley Solicitors work in partnership with CRUK to offer you a free will writing service
Marley Solicitors work in partnership with CRUK to offer you a free will writing service
“Be careful: Not all wills are regulated. Here we want to start with a WARNING – unlike many areas of financial services, will-writing is NOT a regulated market.
This means there are a number of different ways to get a will, but the protections you have if something goes wrong can vary hugely, depending on who writes it.
Confusingly, while will-writing itself is unregulated, , .
(-) – , , , ‘ . So we want to make it clear that…
– the protections can vary hugely and problems may not come to light until after your death, which could be many years later.”
Martin Lewis – Money Saving Expert – October 2021.
Please, don’t take any chances… get in touch and get your will arranged professionally, without risk, for nothing.